Barbara Romanowicz

August 7, 2023

When I think of Jason Morgan, I think about mantle plumes, of course, but my most treasured memory of him dates from the Spring 1990 AGU in Baltimore, which I had travelled to from France. At that time, the Spring AGU was a rather small meeting, and the Honors Ceremony was no frills, in a large but not huge room, and the dozen or two new Fellows – of which I was one, had to take care of themselves, and take a seat on the stage. I remember standing outside of the room, intimidated and wondering what I was supposed to do, when Jason came up to me, warmly congratulated me and asked whether anyone was accompanying me. As this was not the case, explained the process to me, and kept me company during the whole ceremony. He was a towering figure in the Geosciences community, and also a real gentleman!

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